By Carolyn Espinosa, Assistant to the Director, Mary Help of Christians Center, Tampa, FL
(Tampa, FL – June 21) – Camp Mary Help 2021 in Tampa is off to a great start! We are grateful to our Blessed Mother for sending us campers—we are at maximum capacity (150) for the first three weeks already! Every day begins with Mass and includes pool time, faith time, and a variety of activities. Some of our most popular pastimes include barn time, tubing, kayaking, paddleboarding, volleyball, basketball, arts and crafts, dance, drama, archery, and street hockey.
Every week also has something special; each Thursday includes a special theme and an all-camp game. On Fridays, snow cones are free to all and there is also an awards ceremony that recognizes campers for their gifts and service to camp and to each other. The most prestigious awards are the Camper of the Week and the Dominic Savio Award for exceptional virtue.
Camp Mary Help runs for seven weeks until Friday, July 30.