New Rochelle: Frs. Roland and Artur Visit from Africa

Frs. Roland and Artur's Visit

By Ms. Julia St. Clair, Province Communications Director

(New Rochelle, NY – October 23) – Fr. Roland Mintsa and Fr. Artur Bartol completed an extended visit to the SUE Province this past weekend. Fr. Artur, who is the Africa Tropical Equatorial (ATE) Province’s director of the planning and development office, came to New Rochelle on Wednesday, October 9. Fr. Roland, who is ATE’s provincial, arrived the following day.

The ATE Province includes five countries: Cameroon, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Central African Republic, and Chad.

The main purpose of their visit was to submit a project to Salesian Missions. They also spoke with Provincial Fr. Dominic Tran and visited Salesian High School. Along with the main purpose of their visit, Frs. Roland and Artur expressed interest in seeing how robotics are presented. They’d like to see how to start a robotics program in their province and get young people involved.

October 23, 2024 - 8:23am

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