By Anna Samanamu
(Orange, N.J. – June 1) – Memorial Day weekend is a time of remembrance and the traditional start of the summer season and travels. But for one group it was a celebration of gratitude. Alumnae of the Colegio Maria Auxiliadora from Callao, Peru, reunited at Our Lady of the Valley Parish in Orange, N.J., to celebrate Mass in honor of Mary Help of Christians.
The reunion began with the perseverance of Anacecilia Bobadilla, a resident of New Jersey and a 1990 graduate of CMA. For eight years, she has reunited with several other alumnae to reminisce about school days, talk about the impact that the teachers (Salesian sisters) and Our Lady Mary Help of Christians on their lives, and pray in gratitude to Mary.
Anacecilia believes that everything happens for a reason. This year Mary Help of Christians brought her to Our Lady of the Valley Parish, where she asked Fr. Miguel Suarez whether he could celebrate a Mass to honor Mary Help of Christians with a group of Salesian alumnae. The rest is history.
Mass began at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 26. The Salesian alumnae, along with their families and friends, walked side-by-side toward the altar, and each alumna placed a rose in appreciation to Mary. Fr. Miguel celebrated the Mass and emphasized in his homily: “There is no coincidence that this year you and I are here together honoring our Lady. It was indeed Mary Help of Christians who brought us all so that we could express our gratitude and love to God. In return we thank him for giving us Mary as our Mother and guide and for giving us a Salesian family. This is your home; you are all welcome.” The Mass was very beautiful and emotional for the alumnae.
After Mass, the alumnae gathered at the parish hall for a cheerful Salesian gathering! Anthuanette Hidalgo, CMA ’91, now a human rights lawyer in Florida, began the festivities by thanking the women for assisting and thanking Anacecilia for organizing the beautiful event. Ms. Hidalgo also asked for the alumnae to introduce themselves and share a story of how Mary Help of Christians and/or the Salesian sisters had an impact on their lives.
Many stories coincided with thanking Mary for guiding them through both difficult and happy journeys. Jessica Gavilano, CMA ’91, a 20-year resident of New Jersey, expressed much happiness at being part of the ceremony, crediting Mary Help of Christians; she felt like she had known all the guests all her life and felt much at home. Maria Cristina Saavedra Remuzgo, CMA ’04, detailed her difficult childhood. She credits Mary Help of Christians and the Salesian sisters for instilling moral values in her and giving her a great education. All the women agreed that in some way or other, they had had difficulties reuniting in the past years; but this year was different. It was as if Mary Help of Christians helped them all by taking any troubles away and leading them to the reunion.
Once introductions and testimonies were finished, the celebration continued. Between nostalgia, laughter, games, and a little bit of dancing, Saturday’s celebration was a testament of how essential it is to have faith in Mary Help of Christians. And yes, it was indeed a joyous occasion. The Salesian alumnae are looking forward to planning next year’s event!