“Go to Joseph” (Genesis 41:55)

Image of St. Joseph in the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians in Valdocco, Turin, Italy
St. Joseph
Image of St. Joseph in the
Basilica of Mary Help of Christians
in Valdocco, Turin, Italy
Courtesy of Public Domain

By Provincial Fr. Dominic Tran, SDB

Greetings to all members of the Salesian Family from Valdocco. Happy belated feasts of St. Patrick and St. Joseph. (I misread and miscounted the calendar, which is why this message is published after the feast days).

As we know, St. Joseph is the patron of the Universal Church. Pope Francis chose to celebrate the Mass beginning his ministry as Pope twelve years ago on the solemnity of St. Joseph. Also, he included a symbol of St. Joseph on his coat of arms.

St. Joseph is the patron of Canada.

St. Joseph is the patron of our Salesian Sisters’ Province of Canada and the Eastern USA.

St. Joseph is the guardian of families and all children of God.

Let us continue to trust in St. Joseph and entrust our needs to him. The image of St. Joseph in the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians here in Turin illustrates Don Bosco's understanding and trust in St. Joseph and St. Joseph's mission.

Let us continue to pray for the Holy Father, Pope Francis, and for his health.

We ask St. Joseph to help us, the Salesian Family, carry out our roles in God's plan for the education, formation, and salvation of young people.

Please pray for the 29th General Chapter of the SDBs as we discern and elect the new Rector Major and general council next week.

Let us continue to “go to Joseph” (Genesis 41:55).

March 20, 2025 - 12:00am
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