Collage by Fr. Samson D. Antony, SDB
By Fr. Samson D. Antony, SDB
(Surrey, BC – December 12) – The month of November brought memories of our deceased dear ones and friends. Besides the Masses and prayers, we visited cemeteries and paid our homage to the departed souls. As we went through the month, there was also fun, frolic, growth, and development in our Our Lady of Good Counsel (OLGC) parish circle. On Friday, November 18, we had the Youth for Christ, who organized three-day fellowship seminars for the youth of our parish as well as from other parishes, through Sunday, November 20.
We began the dawn of Advent on Saturday, November 26, with a prayerful beginning. The CWL made their early-bird Advent Retreat from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm PT. I served as the animator and preacher alongside Mrs. Margarit Garzitto, a teacher at OLGC school.
On Monday, November 28, the SDBs made the monthly Recollection on the theme of "Truth and Reconciliation." We used a video clip from James Borkowsky, a diocesan member of the team, to investigate the First Nation issues.
On the evening of Wednesday, November 30, we had Fr. Tony Ricard, a diocesan priest from New Orleans, preach on the missions at 7:00 pm PT, followed by the regular Wednesday Novena Mass for Our Lady of the Perpetual Help.
We began the first day of December with the Holy Cross Regional High School (HCRHS) under our chaplaincy to give them a mission preaching. Accompanied by Fr. John Cosgrove, Fr. Tony Ricard preached for the entire HCRHS Thursday Mass.
In the evening, we had the PREP team organize kids for Christmas tableaux and gifts. All the parents and the children joined the celebration.
The following day, we had the OLGC school children receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation in our church as a preparation for the Advent after the First Friday Mass. They will make their First Communions in April 2023.
Saturday, December 3, brought a lot of the parish groups together in joyful celebrations. The 7:00 pm PT Mass Choir had their Christmas party in the school auditorium joined by SDBs of OLGC. The CFC also celebrated its Christmas party simultaneously at the Don Bosco Youth Center's gym from 6:30 pm PT to 9:30 pm PT. It was a fun and colorful event with inter-cultural costumes and dances. There are many more happenings to come in the near future. We shall keep you posted!