During the month of October, we are invited as a Church to pray the Rosary in a special way. As a Salesian family, we are also encouraged to use this month to pray for all those who are discerning their vocations to religious life, priesthood, single life, and married life. As you pray the Rosary this month as communities or as individuals, please consider using the following resource from the Salesian Vocation Office. This resource provides intentions to hold in your heart as you reflect on and pray each mystery of the Rosary. May the vocational discernment and accompaniment of our young people always be at the forefronts of our minds and hearts in our prayer and in our work.
Praying the Rosary for Vocations
"Mary Help of Christians will still do the rest."
(Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, SDB, Rector Major)
The Joyful Mysteries
For the Church
- The Annunciation
That all believers grow in awareness of God’s presence in their lives and their vocation of being God’s presence in the world. - The Visitation
For an increase of charity and unity in the Church - The Nativity
Under the leadership of the Holy Father, may the Church strive to be a poor Church for the poor. - The Presentation
That Christians may glorify God with their lives. - The Finding of Jesus in the Temple
That the Church may continue to be an instrument of God light, wisdom, and love.
The Luminous Mysteries
For vocations
- The Baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan
That young people, parents, educators and church ministers promote a vocation culture, helping all to embrace the foundational vocation – being beloved children of God, and to discern and live each particular vocation as a gift of the Father’s love. - The Wedding at Cana
For families and those who are called to the vocation of marriage. - The Proclamation of the Kingdom of God
For an increase of missionary vocations and a commitment to being missionary disciples in all believers. - The Transfiguration of Jesus
For an increase of vocations to communities that educate and form people in the faith and those who share these ministries. - The Institution of the Eucharist
For an increase of vocations to the priesthood.
The Sorrowful Mysteries
For vocations
- The Agony in the Garden
For an increase of contemplative religious vocations and growth in the spirit of prayer in all believers. - The Scourging at the Pillar
For an increase of vocations to communities that serve people who suffer and those who share these ministries. - The Crowning With Thorns
For an increase of vocations to communities that minister to those who are marginalized and those who share these ministries. - The Carrying of the Cross
For an increase of vocations to communities that contribute to the sanctification of the world by their prayers and penances and those who share these ministries. - The Crucifixion
For an increase of vocations to communities that minister to those who are sick and dying and those who share these ministries.
The Glorious Mysteries
For the Salesian Family
- The Resurrection
That the faith in the Risen Christ and His victory continue to renew us in the living of our vocations and the Salesian mission. - The Ascension
That we and the young people entrusted to our care live with our eyes fixed on heaven. - The Coming of the Holy Spirit
For young Christians, particularly those receiving the Sacraments of Confirmation this year, that they may be open to the Holy Spirit’s guidance in discerning the unique vocation that God has for each of them. - The Assumption of Mary
For an increase of vocations to the Salesian Family who was brought into being through Mary’s motherly intervention. - The Coronation of Mary
That the Salesian Family keeps alive Don Bosco’s belief that “Mary is present among us and continues her "mission as Mother of the Church and Help of Christians" and that we may continue the mission of being “witnesses to the young of her Son's boundless love.”