servers and an additional altar server
Courtesy of Fr. Eddie Chincha, SDB
By Fr. Eddie Chincha, SDB
(Port Chester, NY – December 4) – On Sunday, November 24, the solemnity of Cristo Rey, St. John Bosco Parish held an induction ceremony for new altar servers. We were very happy to welcome 20 new altar servers this year.
Our ceremony was enhanced this year because our new altar servers were vested in new cassocks and surplices, which have replaced the albs. By witnessing the induction ceremony and by seeing our servers dressed in their new vestments, we hope that we can help our parishioners celebrate the liturgy with greater devotion throughout the new liturgical year.
We feel blessed that our servers’ families are also happy to be involved in the program by assisting in formation programs every other month along with their children. Many of our servers have been part of our program for many years, and the older servers have helped train our new ones. Our newly inducted altar severs, in addition to serving at Sunday Masses, will also serve at weddings, funerals, and quinceañeras at the parish this coming year.
It has been very inspiring to see how kids of so many different ages, personalities, and temperaments enjoy altar serving with so much enthusiasm. Please pray for them.