over the altar top
Photo by Fr. Mike Mendl, SDB
By Fr. Mike Mendl, SDB
(North Haledon, NJ – August 19) – Bp. Kevin Sweeney of Paterson consecrated the new chapel at Mary Help of Christians Academy in North Haledon on Friday, August 19. The planning and construction of the chapel took four years, following the destruction of the previous chapel by fire on May 18, 2018. Like the earlier version, the chapel is dedicated to St. Joseph, patron of the FMAs’ SEC Province (the eastern U.S. and all of Canada).
The MHCA chapel is the heart of the FMA province, the usual site of their professions, jubilees, and other major celebrations. Approximately 400 of the faithful took part in the splendid liturgy of consecration, which included proper prayers, a rich anointing of the new altar and the walls of the church, and solemn incensations. The rite was further solemnized by the presence of Auxiliary Bp. Manny Cruz of Newark, a good friend of the FMAs, and Bp. Robert Brennan of Brooklyn (the home diocese of Bp. Sweeney, which he made a point to mention). While bishop of Columbus, Bishop Brennan had invited the Sisters to take up apostolic ministry in that city.
Also concelebrating were ten Salesian priests, including Fr. Provincial Tim Zak and three diocesan priests. Salesian Cooperator Joe Caporaso served as deacon. Among the scores of Sisters taking part was Sr. Phyllis Neves, a former provincial of both of the FMA North American provinces and presently a member of their general council.
Fr. Jim Mulloy, SDB, for many years the chaplain of the Sisters’ summer camp at North Haledon and a frequent celebrant of their daily Mass, was given the honor of symbolically unlocking and opening the church door for the first time.

Mass of consecration of the new chapel
Photo by Fr. Mike Mendl, SDB
Summary of Bishop Sweeney’s Homily
Whenever we gather in church, we’re gathering with the whole Church, including the saints in heaven. Today we’re also gathering those taking part by livestream. The FMAs worldwide are thus connected to this celebration.
This chapel is the center of the Sisters’ life in the province. They are a blessing to the Paterson Diocese. We ask God’s blessing on all who are here. The gospel we read today (John 2:13-22) made a deep impact on me when I was in high school (thanks in part to seeing it portrayed in Zeffirelli’s Jesus of Nazareth), and later when I did lectio as a seminarian. St. John cites the Scripture, "Zeal for your house consumes me." What impact did that have on the apostles who were with Jesus?
In every Mass we encounter Jesus, the one who cleansed the Temple and who rose from the dead. We encounter him as members of his Body, which we are wherever we are. We come to this chapel, particularly, to listen to him and to receive him.
At this first Mass in this new church, we’ll be with the apostles in the upper room, hearing Jesus say to love one another. We’ll go with Jesus to the Garden of Gethsemane and on to Calvary, as he gives his body and pours out his blood.We’ll be with him risen from the tomb. Jesus’ love has conquered sin and death, and we encounter that love in the Eucharist. [The bishop recapped the history of FMAs’ arrival in Paterson and their spread throughout the country and Canada.]
It’s really God who is dedicating this chapel, not so much Bp. Sweeney. God calls us to be living stones, the temple of God, of which this building is a sign. Every Christian, in fact, is a temple of God, called to encounter Jesus and to be his witness of zeal and love.
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