Group leader Elizabeth Sigua and her group of young people with Don Bosco

(Port Chester, N.Y. – January 26) – As part of Saint John Bosco Parish’s celebration in Port Chester of their patronal feast, 200 of the parish young people preparing for confirmation, other young adults involved with the parish’s youth ministry program, and many of the parishioners participated in a youth rally on Saturday, January 26, led by Fr. Manny Gallo, director of the parish’s youth ministry. It was the parish’s second youth rally.


The themes of the day were “Holiness For You, Too” (John 15:11), the 2019 Strenna, and “You are God’s Masterpiece” (Ephesians 2:10). The Salesian Cooperators and parish volunteers set up and served breakfast and lunch. And throughout the day-long retreat, the youths listened to heartfelt testimonies and talks on facing their challenges and answering the call to holiness. Dalton Friend, a young Salesian past pupil, a former student of Fr. Manny, delivered a heartfelt testimony of living and witnessing in the Spirit.


Three music ministry bands, Nueva Vida, Misioneros de Tira La Red, and San Miguel el Arco del Ángel en Maryland, sang songs of praise and worship throughout the day. During adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, participants had the opportunity for confession, which was a grace for the parish as so many of the young people made a good confession! Fr. Steve Ryan, the Salesian vice provincial, ended the day with a beautiful Mass for the young people, letting them know that they are indeed called to holiness and that they have Don Bosco as their model and patron saint—Don Bosco who shared with the Salesian Family the message he received from the Blessed Mother: be bold, be humble, and be courageous in living and teaching your faith!

The Confirmation candidates are receive their sacrament on May 4. St. John Bosco Parish asks the readers of Salesian News to pray for them, their sponsors, and their families as they continue to prepare their hearts to receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

January 31, 2019 - 3:38pm

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