The Happiness and Joy of Others

Missions Corner August 2022

By Kevin Apdal

I am Kevin Apdal, a young adult from Surrey, BC, the proud son of Edna and Calvin Apdal, with the mission to make at least one child smile every day. Thanks to Sr. Hae-Jin of the FMAs, I was able to encounter a beautiful experience on the opposite side of Canada.

Over the course of this past summer, I had the wonderful opportunity to serve the children of Cornwall, ON, alongside the beautiful FMAs and fruitful young adults through the Salesian Summer Camp. As I flew in, I had no expectations as to what I would experience. I found myself constantly wondering, "Will the campers treat me differently than from back home? How will the rest of the core team treat me? Do I fit their expectations of how a leader should act?" Yet I pushed those thoughts away as I endured my five hour flight, excited to serve and create new experiences and memories to remember and cherish.

However, my timid thoughts quickly died down as I experienced how all the counsellors were welcoming, cheerful, and rowdy. Why should I have to worry when I’m right at home? Having felt more confident, I got straight to work ready to live out the vision that Don Bosco had set in stone for us educators to fill: serving the young and making sure that they know they are loved.

With the teachings of Don Bosco in mind, I tried my hardest to help educate the kids and the entire leadership team to guide ourselves and others closer to Christ. So, with the knowledge I built up over the years while keeping the foundation of the four pillars of Salesian spirituality strong, I can confidently say that in a way we touched the hearts of every kid through laughter and joy.

Through the church, playground, school, and home, Don Bosco has been guiding me every step of the way during my upbringing. Without even knowing, I grew to try and become who St. John Bosco was, in the sense of finding youth, having fun with them, and bringing them closer to our Lord. No matter where I am, whether it may be local in Surrey, domestic, or international, I want to continue living this life.

As I move on with my life, I want to continue that mission and use my experiences and teachings to deepen my faith within the Salesian community. I want to know more, and I want to learn the experiences of other Salesians in order to refine my vision as I work with the youth. At the start of each day, I would not want to rest until I am able to make at least one child smile. In the end, the happiness and joy of others is more than enough for me. Through each smile, that child is one step closer to God.

August 18, 2022 - 8:00am

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