Courtesy of Fr. Gabriel Stawowy, SDB, Assistant Director, Salesian Missions
(New Rochelle, NY – February 13) – A new Cagliero Life video for February 2025 has been prepared by the Salesian Mission Sector in Rome. This month's topic is: “RETHINK – VOCATION. What do I understand as a vocation in my life?” It is the second episode of a series dedicated to the three verbs of the 150th anniversary of the Salesian missions: GIVE THANKS, RETHINK, RELAUNCH.
The video can be watched on YouTube in English and/or Spanish.
Additionally, a special video has been released by the Salesian Mission Sector in preparation for Salesian Mission Day 2025. It highlights the 150th anniversary of the first Salesian missionary expedition. It also offers a beautiful reflection on our missionary heritage and ongoing commitment to evangelization.