potluck and Christmas Carols
Photo by Fr. Sathiaseelan Kulandaisamy, SDB
By Fr. Sathiaseelan Kulandaisamy, SDB, and Lucky Eremionkhale
(Edmonton, AB – December 27) – After the 5:00 pm MT Gaudette Sunday Mass, approximately 120 parishioners gathered in St. Matthew Parish's hall for a scrumptious potluck dinner followed by an evening of Christmas Caroling. Carols were sung in English, Filipino, German, Tigrigna, French, Tamil, Tagalog, and Polish. Groups ranged in size from one to many with the opening and closing songs sung by all present. Performances were done by children, teens, families, and seniors. Participants can hardly wait for next year’s event!
Additionally, on the evening of Sunday, December 18, seven different choir groups came to St. Dominic Savio Parish to sing and play Christmas Carols to the joy of all those present in the church. The whole congregation joined the choirs in song. Thanks to Nigerian African Catholic Community Edmonton (NACCE) for coordinating the carols. The event turned out to be a beautiful moment of Gospel narration, reflection, and meditation on the Mystery of the Incarnation of Jesus—a memorable evening in the parish's history.