(ANS – Los Angeles – February 13) – The name of Fr. Arthur Lenti is well known in the Salesian world. His monumental seven-volume work Don Bosco: History and Charism, based on more than 25 years of teaching at the Institute of Salesian Studies in Berkeley, has crossed the borders of countries and languages, becoming one of the classics of Salesian literature. Through this work, many have rediscovered Don Bosco from a critical and historical perspective, according to the needs of our times, enabling readers to update their Salesian identity and thus make their service to young people more effective.
On January 31 Fr. Lenti celebrated his 95th birthday and was accompanied by a large group of people from the Salesian Family of the city of the Los Angeles are who came to celebrate him and give thanks to God for the gift of his life and the good he has done for the Salesian Congregation.
In the midst of the joy for these celebration festivities was a very special surprise: the presentation of the book Arthur Lenti: Memory, Presence and Hope. The “surprise factor” marked the event: although Fr. Lenti was aware of this work, he did not expect it to arrive on time for his birthday.
The book contains an interview with Fr. Lenti touching on biographical and vocational aspects, his formation as a Salesian historian, his perspective on Salesian studies, and a number of messages that he offers to all those who share the Salesian mission.
In the second part is a collection of testimonies of him as a confrere in the community and a specialist of the Bible, together with the story of the process that led to the realization of his magnum opus on Don Bosco. Included are contributions from Fr. Juan José Bartolomé and Fr. Luis Timossi of the Salesian Center for Permanent Formation in Quito, said Fr. Marcelo Escalante Mendoza, SDB, author of the book.
Fr. Escalante continued: “It is for this reason that today I am with you, because I want to join my voice to that of all of us who have benefited from his work and his friendship, and we want to say a simple but profound word: ‘Thank you, Father Arthur, for what you are and for what you did and do!’
You can read the book here.