Br. Thomas Junis Makes Perpetual Commitment

Br. Tom Junis Perpetual Profession
Br. Tom Hug 1
Br. Tom Junis, SDB, and Provincial
Fr. Dominic Tran, SDB, embrace during the Mass.
Photo by Ms. Vicky Weekley,
Director of Youth Ministry Province Events

By Fr. Mike Mendl, SDB

(Haverstraw, NY – August 15) – On Thursday, August 15, solemnity of Our Lady’s Assumption, Br. Thomas S. Junis, SDB, made his perpetual profession as a Salesian of Don Bosco at the Marian Shrine in Haverstraw, NY. Fr. Dominic Tran, provincial, presided at the Mass and received Bro. Tom’s vows, and Fr. Pascual Chavez, rector major emeritus, preached the homily.

Tom Junis was born to Mitch and Margie Junis in Bloomington, IL, in 1992. Already discerning his vocation as a university student, he was influenced by two Newman Center chaplains, the late Fr. Greg Ketcham, a Salesian Cooperator, and Fr. Bill Bucciferro, SDB. He took St. John Bosco as a patron for his educational efforts and went to Turin in 2015 on a Don Bosco bicentennial pilgrimage.

After earning a degree in early childhood education from Illinois State University in Bloomington, Tom entered the Salesians at Orange, NJ, as a candidate on January 1, 2016. He made his novitiate at the Salesian house in Richmond, CA, in 2017-2018 and professed on August 16, 2018, at the Marian Shrine in Haverstraw.

Following two years of postnovitiate formation, Br. Tom did practical training in 2020-2022 at Archbishop Shaw High School in Marrero, LA, teaching theology to sophomores and juniors, serving as chaplain to the basketball and baseball teams, and developing good relationships with many students outside the classroom.

In 2022, Br. Tom began theological studies at the studentate in Tlaquepaque, Mexico. He has learned to speak Spanish competently and addressed Fr. Chavez fluently at the end of the profession Mass. He has particularly enjoyed his classes in Christology, Mariology, and the sacred Scriptures. He has done ministry in the local youth center as well as in the state of Oaxaca. Living outside his home province of New Rochelle has been a challenge; so he found peace and joy in returning this year for summer camp in Montreal and the week of retreat before making his final commitment to Christ and Don Bosco.

Br. Tom professed within Mass of the Assumption, at which 38 Salesian priests concelebrated. Numerous Salesian brothers, sisters, and lay missioners also participated as well as Br. Tom’s parents and other family members. One special feature of the rite of profession was the use of the very candle that was presented to him (and his parents) when he was baptized 31 years ago.

Fr. Chavez began his homily by noting that the Eucharist is Christ’s gift to us so that we might share his heart and his life. Our profession is an acknowledgment that he loves us, that we most highly regard “the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” Br. Tom will respond by living in communion with his brothers in a profession of love.

The preacher urged Br. Tom to respond generously to God’s call as Mary did. To be a Salesian is to follow God in Don Bosco's footsteps, and to place everyone and everything in second place in order to give oneself to God and to others, especially the young and the poor, and thus to continue the work of Christ in this world, always mindful that it was he who chose us. Establishing a friendship with Christ, we take on the mission of bringing him to the young as the center of human history. Like Mary, in Christ we find our greatness. She found light for her life by listening to God’s Word. She is a mother who teaches us how to love God.

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August 21, 2024 - 9:20am

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