By Julia St. Clair
The annual CYM Meetings took place from Monday, October 26 through Wednesday, October 28 via Zoom. This year’s theme was Recognizing the Issue of Racism and Diversifying the Voice of the Church. It was a resounding success, and 30 people registered, excluding the OYM staff and presenters/facilitators. The main speakers were Dr. Angel Augustine of the Archdiocese of Washington (on the retreat day) and Danielle M. Brown of the USCCB (on the in-service day). Mr. Darius A. Villalobos of the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry facilitated the in-service day. Ms. Amy Marinaro organized and coordinated all three days and served as a presenter on Province Business Day the third and final day, along with Ms. Victoria Weekley and Fr. Abraham Feliciano. Additionally, the OYM team and Ms. Beth Reyes of CYM Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish in Surrey, BC animated the cultural diversity-themed prayer services.
Stay tuned for the next few issues, where we will hear from attendees and how the CYM Meetings affected them.