Originally published on www.infoans.org
(ANS – Rome) – This year’s global Novena to Mary Help of Christians will take place from Wednesday, May 15, through Thursday, May 23. It is promoted by Salesian Headquarters and is important for all members of the Salesian Family who intend to prepare to celebrate. Accompanying videos of the 2024 Novena will be made available online in the coming days.
The spiritual proposal for this year’s novena, entrusted by the Rector Major, is inspired by the theme of Strenna 2024, “The Dream That Makes You Dream: A Heart That Transforms ‘Wolves’ into ‘Lambs.’” Inspired by the writings of St. Louis Grignion de Montfort and thanks to the commentary of the Rector Major, Cardinal Ángel Fernández Artime, the novena will guide everyone to discover “the Secret of Mary” to lead the entire Salesian Family to holiness.
Each video, which lasts about eight to nine minutes, will alternate between different impactful moments. These include a reflection by the Rector Major on the theme of the day; stories of dreams by young people from different backgrounds, ages, and backgrounds who witness the relevance of Don Bosco's Dream today; and the final prayer to Mary, with Don Bosco's prayer to the Virgin to invoke her grace.
Many aspects of the Virgin Help of Christians—including, but not limited to, Mary as a woman, model, mother, guide, witness, and teacher—will be explored during the nine-day journey. The writings of St. Louis Maria Grignion de Montfort will guide devotees worldwide with the aim of revealing the secret to realizing their desire to take Mary with them as a sure guide and model of life. The saintly French missionary will thus provide precious pearls and spiritual wonders to be enjoyed day by day.
Access the videos, which will be accessible in five languages, on ANS’ YouTube. Booklets will also be found on www.sdb.org.
Check out texts of the novena in Italian, English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese.