Salesian Summer of Service

Summer of Service
Summer of Service
The advertisement for the
Salesian Summer of Service
Courtesy of Fr. Steve DeMaio, SDB

By Fr. Steve DeMaio, SDB, Province Vocation Director

The Salesian Lay Missioner program and Salesian Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry are partnering to offer a “Summer of Service,” in which college-aged young adults will be invited to spend from one week to two months living in community with Salesians in our various works while doing service. As part of community living, they will eat meals, share prayer moments, attend daily Mass with the local Salesian community, and receive formation and accompaniment from a local Salesian.

Here is the link for young people to fill out if they are interested.

The OYM office will contact the young person directly and figure out an appropriate place for their time of service.

April 18, 2024 - 9:15am

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