By Fr. Mike Mendl, SDB
(Haverstraw, NY – August 17) – The SDBs' August retreats (at Haverstraw and in Ontario) are being preached by Fr. Eunan McDonnell, provincial of the Irish SDBs. The retreats are based on the spiritual teaching of St. Francis de Sales in this 400th anniversary year of our patron's death. Fr. Eunan writes: "St. Francis de Sales's understanding of a retreat is to take time to withdraw in order to gather together 'the scattered pieces of our heart.' He is aware how busyness can take over and prevent us from being truly present to God who calls us. To recognize God's presence, we are invited to set aside time in the morning and evening to withdraw our heart from its preoccupations and rest in God's love."
August 17, 2022 - 3:00pm