Washington: DBCR Celebrates RICA

Washington RCIA

By Ms. Kristen E. Beasley, Marketing & Communications Coordinator, Don Bosco Cristo Rey High School

(Takoma Park, MD – June 5) – On Friday, May 24, Don Bosco Cristo Rey High School and Corporate Work Study (DBCR) joyfully celebrated the completion of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) process for 18 students. This momentous occasion marked a significant milestone in their faith journey. It was a transformative experience for them and enabled them to make a substantial stride in their spiritual growth.

Under the dedicated leadership of Fr. Lenny Carlino, SDB, chair of DBCR’s theology department, these students embarked on a transformative path toward a deeper spiritual understanding of Catholicism. Fr. Lenny's unwavering commitment to nurturing the faith of his students is a testament to DBCR's mission to help students grow in their faith.

The Mass that marked this momentous occasion was graced by the presence of His Eminence Cardinal Wilton Gregory, of the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C. He bestowed the three sacraments of initiation upon the students and welcomed them as fully initiated members of the Catholic faith.

Among those celebrated were:

  • New Members of the Church: Five students embraced baptism, confirmation, and communion, embracing a newfound journey within the Catholic community.
  • Sacraments of Initiation: Six students, already baptized, embraced communion and confirmation, further solidifying their allegiance to their Faith.
  • Confirmation: Seven students received the sacrament of confirmation, reinforcing their commitment to the teachings of Christ and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

At DBCR, education extends far beyond the confines of academia. As a Salesian institution, the RCIA process stands as a testament to the school's holistic educational approach, instilling in students the values of Faith and its mission. Through participation in initiatives like RCIA, DBCR empowers its students to align their lives with the will of God, fostering a culture of compassion and devotion.

Congratulations to the newly initiated students! May your unwavering commitment to faith continue to illuminate the path ahead.

June 5, 2024 - 12:30pm

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