Vocational Pathways for Discernment

Vocation Pathways For Discernment

By Fr. Steve DeMaio, SDB, Province Vocation Director

The Salesian community, with the educative-pastoral community, is the privileged place for vocation proposal and accompaniment. Yet the province is also responsible for providing vocational opportunities to help the young become protagonists within the Salesian Family. Below is a general “pathway” of opportunities offered to young people by the Salesian Family in Canada and the United States.

Valdocco Retreat — An introductory retreat to the Salesian charism and Christian life; open to high schoolers from parishes and freshmen and sophomores from schools.

Gospel Roads — A week of community, mission, and prayer; this program is open for high schoolers or young adults; it should be animated locally with the support of the OYM.

Salesian Leadership Retreat (SLR) — A retreat for juniors who come from SDB and FMA schools and who have shown leadership qualities.

Young Adult Retreat (YAR) — An annual retreat experience for members of the Salesian Family who are at least one year out of high school.

Salesian Men’s Retreat — A general men’s retreat in the Salesian charism for men over 18.

Mornese Experience — A general women’s retreat run by the FMAs for women over 18.

Salesian Summer of Service —An opportunity for those who are over 18 to spend some time serving with one of our local communities.

Salesian Lay Missioners — A year of service with a Salesian community worldwide.

Salesian Core Team — Dedicated young adults within our province who help serve on our various programs on both local and provincial levels.

Past Pupils of Don Bosco —An association of past participants who received a Salesian education or formative experience.

ADMA — Association of Devotees of Mary Help of Christians

SDBs/FMAs/Salesian Cooperators —An ideal fulfillment of a Salesian vocational discernment.

With all that is being done in the local communities and what is being offered as a Salesian Family at the provincial level, the young people we work with have more than enough opportunities to mature and discern their vocations. We must continue to invest in our young people by inviting and encouraging them, but also at times supporting them financially to participate in different opportunities. Thank you for all you are doing.

April 18, 2024 - 9:00am

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