By Julia St. Clair, Province Communications Coordinator
"All my work began with a simple Hail Mary for Our Lady's help."
- St. John Bosco

at the grotto of Corpus Christi Church,
part of St. John Bosco Parish
in Port Chester, NY
Photo by Julia St. Clair
As the old expression goes, "April showers bring May flowers." Throughout the past month, there have been plenty of showers, as well as fluctuating weather, in the northeast USA. One can hope and pray that the flowers that have started to bloom continue to blossom and grow. Furthermore, we can apply the "April showers bring May flowers" metaphor to trusting in May as we approach this holy month.
This year so far has brought with it many blessings and numerous challenges. Whether by current events in the world, our own personal struggles, or both, we have all felt stressed and tested. As we approach May, the Month of Mary, let us examine where we are in our lives and invite Mary in to help us. It's simultaneously very difficult and easy to take a step back and ask for help. One thing to keep in mind is to be assured she hears you. Another is, despite what is going on in your internal and external world, to pause and listen. Take a moment to truly see, hear, and observe the opportunities she has shown and continues to present to you. Place your trust in her and God, just as she placed her trust in the Lord when she said "yes" to Him.
"Trust all things to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and to Mary Help of Christians, and you will see what miracles are."
- St. John Bosco
As we pray and wait, we can find ourselves growing worried and impatient. Sometimes, things get harder before they calm down. Yet, as hard as it is, we must let go and trust—trust in Mary, trust in the Holy Trinity, and trust in ourselves. She has already given us the courage, dignity, and strength to get through our troubles before we invoked her. Nothing is impossible through God, and Our Lady always conveys and answers our prayers. Together, let us say "yes" to God and leave everything we're going through in Mary's hands. Then, as Don Bosco told us, we will see true miracles.