Take Your Boat and Go to Deeper Water

Fr. Marcin on Valdocco
Fr. Marcin Salesian News
(from left to right) Fr. Marcin Kaznowski, SDB,
and Fr. Steve DeMaio, SDB
Designed by Vicky Weekley

(New Rochelle, NY – June 22) – Welcome Back to Valdocco! On this episode, Fr. Steve and Vicky sit with Fr. Marcin Kaznowski, the Provincial of Krakow (PLS Province), which includes 15 Salesians still serving in Ukraine. Together, we listened as he shared the reality of being a provincial with part of the province at war and how the generosity of spirit is something that just pours out of people in times of great need.

We hope you enjoy this episode and remember you can always send us an email at symbosco@gmail.com, find us on social media, rate the podcast, or leave us a comment. Know of our prayers for you!

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June 22, 2022 - 1:00pm

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