Laura Piranio and Don Bosco Bookstore Manager
and Director’s Secretary Donna Valentino
Photo by Fr. Dennis Donovan, SDB
By Fr. Dennis Donovan, SDB
(Stony Point, NY – June 26) – Laura Piranio had positive news about the growth of programs at the Marian Shrine as she presented the financial report to the local council last week.
Retreat reservations experienced a 34 percent increase. Retreat Director Fr. Manny Gallo, Administrator Ann Cenname, and Fr. Sasika Lokuhettige have updated the youth retreat programs based on the needs identified by the young people they serve. Spanish language programs and dedicated retreats for men and women have made a difference. Matt Conklin and Maria Stokes, professionally trained culinary institute chefs, work with a new kitchen staff to produce gourmet meals that interest the age groups they serve. They have received rave reviews. Even things as small as table settings and the types of towels in the guest rooms have been examined. Collaboration with the archdiocese and outreach to local parish youth and young adult ministry continues to be a vital source of new life.
Generous contributions from visitors at the Mary Help of Christians Chapel are up 12 percent. Under the direction of Fr. Steve Shafran, significant developments include Bible study, young adult monthly meetings, healing services and retreats, and exhibits of saints and miracles. The chapel has undergone a renovation to replace the sanctuary walls with stone, move the altar forward, lift the tabernacle higher, and reposition the statues of Mary Help of Christians and Don Bosco to the left and right sides of the sanctuary, respectively. New etched windows of Salesian saints are being installed.
Sales at the Don Bosco Gift Shop enjoyed a 23 percent increase over the previous year. Don Bosco Bookstore Manager Donna Valentino invested in quality items that have raised the bar with solid books on Christian and Salesian spirituality and quality gifts, rather than souvenirs and knickknacks.