By Fr. Alain Léonard, SDB
(Sherbrooke, QC – April 24) – Le Salésien launched its 24th Annual Mondo Bosco (Mundial) Tournament on Monday, April 15. There were 12 groups of 12–14-year-olds. The groups represented six countries from Europe, four countries from Latin America, and two countries from Africa throughout the world.
Various activities bear the name Bosco at Le Salésien: Bosco Bicycle, Bosco Show, Mondo Bosco, etc.
“Bosco is never alone; it is the common denominator,” Fr. Alain Léonard, SDB, pointed out in his remarks during the opening ceremony. “The bicycle, the musical instruments, and the ball associated with these events are objects that allow young people personal growth to become better. They strengthen the spirit of a group, which results in camaraderie, fun, and participation in an activity that brings people closer together.
Don Bosco said, “Young people only have fun when they grow up, and they only grow up when they have fun.” May the Lord bless each of you, the organizers of this tournament, and especially the ball so that it enters “the right net!”