Salesian Youth Spirituality is Marian Spirituality

Salesian Spirituality is Marian Spirituality

By Fr. Louis Molinelli, SDB, Province Delegate for Youth Ministry

Our Salesian Youth Ministry Frame of Reference reflects with us on Our Lady’s place in our spirituality among the young. We first and foremost look to Mary as an example of faith. She was the first to believe that the Lord’s word to her would be fulfilled. Our Lady was in perfect communion with her Son, and we are called to imitate her in her witness to life lived in Christ. Moreover, Mary’s faith was alive in her accompaniment of the Apostles and the disciples of the early Church.

Mary was a living presence at Valdocco. St. John Bosco referred to her frequently in his conferences, “Good Nights,” and personal talks with his boys and collaborators. Mary’s presence was truly a felt presence in the Oratory. She was indeed the mother of so many boys in the Oratory whose families were devastated by death, separation because of work, and the growing secularization of society. Her presence filled the house of the Oratory as an active, living person. It was Mary’s presence in the house that made the young feel and experience the closeness of the love of God. For Don Bosco, she was considered “...the Madonna of difficult times.”

At the close of this month dedicated to Our Lady of the Rosary, we in the Salesian Family are called to propose her to the young as a model of imitation. She is the Help of Christians in the great battle of faith. For us Salesian youth ministers, she is the premiere icon of fidelity and the way to Heaven. Let us share this message with zeal and devotion to all the young entrusted to our care.

October 27, 2021 - 3:00pm

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