Reminder: CYM Meetings Info & Registration OPEN

Dear Confreres, Collaborators, and Salesian Youth Ministers,

Reminder: Registration closes this upcoming Monday, September 14.
The annual Meeting of Coordinators of Youth Ministry will take place digitally via Zoom from Monday, October 26, 2020 through Wednesday October 28, 2020. Please plan to be in these meetings from 10:00 AM until 5:00 PM EST for all three days. As always, these three days of CYM meetings will include some retreat time, professional development/in-service, time for discernment, discussion and planning, and time to grow as Salesian Family. Be assured that the schedule has been designed to provide sufficient breaks and interactive moments to help alleviate the now all-too-familiar “Zoom Fatigue.”
Coordinators of Youth Ministry in our SDB parishes, youth centers, and schools are already accustomed to attending these important and required annual formation events. In consultation with your directors, pastors, and principals, please consider inviting other members of your local Youth Ministry Team to join you in attending these virtual meetings. For those youth ministers that come from groups that are not officially administered by the Salesians, yet practice the Salesian charism, please know that you are most certainly welcome to join us!  

In response to the current reality, the theme for this year's CYM Meetings will be the issue of understanding and responding to racism in light of the Gospel. The Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry will be working with NFCYM (National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry) recognized diversity coordinators and a visioning committee from our own Province to assist us in creating moments of formation, listening, and dialogue for those in attendance.
Registration and Payment
Registration is now open! Click here to register. Please complete the online registration by Monday, September 14th. Please remit payment either by mail or electronically no later than Monday, September 28th. Once we receive your online registration, we will send you a confirmation email.
Important: In order to complete your registration, every participant must email your Consent and Release form located on the registration form.

Because outside presenters have been invited to assist, the total cost is:
$150 USD per person when ONE member registers from a local work
$100 USD per person when TWO or more members register from the same local work. 

Please pay in US dollars with the payment link below or make checks payable to Salesian Youth Ministry, and mail to Ms. Amy Marinaro at Salesian Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry 148 E Main Street New Rochelle, NY 10802. If you would like to pay electronically, please click here. (Please note that electronic payments have a slightly higher cost due to Square fees for use and for international payments.) All payments must be received by Monday, September 28th.
If you have any other questions, you can reach me directly via e-mail at or by phone at (914) 636-4225, ext. 613. I look forward to our time together.
In Don Bosco,
Fr. Abe
Rev. Abraham Feliciano, SDB
Province Delegate for Youth Ministry

March 23, 2021 - 3:44pm

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