This week, please keep in your prayers Salesian Lay Missioner Eden Gordon and all those she is serving. Eden was commissioned last August for service at Hogar Sagrado Corazon in Montero, Bolivia. Her hometown is Windermere, Fla., and she is an alumna of Florida State University.
What do you expect to do on mission?
“I am going to Bolivia in order to serve and show Christ’s love to the orphaned girls of the Hogar in Montero, and to learn from them and the sisters about love, community, and gentleness.”
Why have you joined the Salesian Lay Missioner program and/or what do you hope to accomplish thru your SLM mission?
“I seek to live out and come to a deeper understanding of Jesus’ call to ‘Go and make disciples of all nations.’”
June 28, 2019 - 9:23am