Prayer Intention for October 25-31, 2019
This week, please keep in your prayers Salesian Lay Missioner Kelsey Brady and all those she will be serving. Kelsey was commissioned for service at the Instituto Maria Auxiliadora in Yapacaní, Bolivia. Her hometown is Fort Collins, Colo., and she is an alumna of Franciscan University of Steubenville.
What do you expect to do on mission?
“I am most excited to get to know the community in Yapacaní and live alongside the people there. I look forward to learning their culture and growing in relationship with them—especially the kids! I am a nurse, so I hope to use my skills in some way. I anticipate making home visits to surrounding rural communities, helping teach at the local nursing school, and possibly helping broadcast a health radio show!”
Why have you joined the Salesian Lay Missioner program and/or what do you hope to accomplish thru your SLM mission?
“I joined the SLMs because I have always had a deep desire to serve the poor, especially through foreign mission work. One of my great heroes is Saint Teresa of Calcutta. I hope to spend this year following her example of doing small things with great love. I want to spend my time loving each person that is put before me, whoever it may be.”