Celebration of Confirmation at St. John Bosco Church in Port Chester, N.Y.

(Port Chester, N.Y. – May 7) – Come, Holy Spirit! Bishop Josu Iriondo, a semi-retired auxiliary bishop of New York, presided at the sacrament of Confirmation for St. John Bosco Parish on Saturday, May 4, at which 120 young people received the sacrament and were renewed with the same Spirit that descended on the apostles at Pentecost.  Bishop Iriondo encouraged the newly confirmed to embrace and make use of the gifts of the Holy Spirit throughout their Christian lives with boldness and confidence. He reminded them to continue the work of Jesus here on earth with much love and service to others!  St. John Bosco Parish asks the readers of Salesian News to pray for our young people as they use the gifts of the Holy Spirit to be disciples of Jesus!

May 17, 2019 - 11:13am

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