Montréal: Good Friday Vigil

Montreal: Good Friday Vigil
Don Bosco YLC’s Good Friday Vigil attendees
Don Bosco YLC’s Good Friday Vigil attendees
Courtesy of Fr. Richard Authier, SDB

By Fr. Richard Authier, SDB

(Montréal, QC – April 17) – The Good Friday Vigil at the Don Bosco Youth Leadership Centre for the activity leaders and youth animators has been a tradition for many years. Many were present at this year’s vigil.

Our vigil had two moments. The first was to have the participants realize the meaning of Good Friday. We used Jesus’ last words on the Cross as prayers for our young people. Then we had a personal Veneration of the Cross, as we invited them to come forward to touch Jesus’ crown of thorns or, the nails in His hands. At the same time, we had them thank Jesus for giving His life for us or ask for forgiveness of our sins.

The second moment highlighted Jesus’ Resurrection. To begin this, we watched a video on the life of Bl. Carlo Acutis. The power of this young new Blessed’s attachment to the Eucharist really reached into the hearts of our youth. The Blessed Sacrament became for them an experience of the Resurrection and Jesus’ presence today. During this moment, the leaders also had an occasion to go to confession and write a personal letter to either Bl. Carlo or Jesus Himself. It was beautiful to see them all talk to both Bl. Carlo and Jesus very sincerely, through their messages. At the time of the Blessing with the Eucharist, we also offered their prayers to Jesus through the intercession of Bl. Carlo.

My thanks to all who helped make this spiritual moment so real and powerful. May Jesus and Bl. Carlo inspire and watch over our leaders. May you all have a joyful Easter.

April 17, 2024 - 9:30am

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