The 45th annual March for Life will take place in Washington and in other cities around the country on Friday, January 18, a few days ahead of the anniversary of Roe v. Wade on January 22. Students and staff from many Salesian presences will take part in the March.
America magazine provides a timely reminder that the pro-life movement is very much a pro-woman movement, but that needs much more emphasis and practical implementation. Their editorial concludes:
“Pro-lifers know well that the movement honors women, cares for women, is led by women and was founded by women. We should be passionate about making sure that the rest of the world can see our respect for women as well. Imagine a future in which every proposal to defund Planned Parenthood is linked to increased funding for maternal health and protections for pregnant women in the workplace. Imagine how much harder it would be to caricature pro-lifers as anti-woman—and how much closer we would be to protecting all unborn children in law and welcoming them in love.”