Give to the Rector Major to Celebrate His Visit

Gift To The Rector Major To Celebrate His Visit

By Fr. Abe Feliciano, SDB

Every year the Salesian Family is gifted by the Rector Major with the Strenna, the theme usually being announced during the Northern Hemisphere’s summer season, followed by the publication of the Rector Major’s commentary on New Year’s Eve.

Inspired by the 2018 Strenna, “‘Lord, give me this water’ (John 4:15): Let Us Cultivate the Art of Listening and of Accompaniment,” the Salesian Family of North America wishes to make a lasting gift to the tenth successor of St. John Bosco, Fr. Angel Fernandez Artime, to commemorate his historic visit. Instead of a small souvenir that would be distributed to attendees at the various events scheduled for his visit, we are building lasting souvenirs in honor of the Rector Major that will benefit poor young people and their families for years to come: lifesaving water wells in the West African country of Ghana.

The water wells are to be constructed in one of the three poorest regions within Ghana, where scorching temperatures and the harsh desert landscape make potable water scarcity.  For the people of these regions, accessibility to water is a matter of life or death. Pope Francis drew attention to this reality in his encyclical Laudato Si’:

            Water poverty especially affects Africa where large sectors of the population have no access to safe drinking water or experience droughts that impede agricultural production.  Some countries have areas rich in water while others endure drastic scarcity.

            One particularly serious problem is the quality of water available to the poor. Every day, unsafe water results in many deaths and the spread of water-related diseases, including those caused by microorganisms and chemical substances. Dysentery and cholera, linked to inadequate hygiene and water supplies, are a significant causes of suffering and of infant mortality. (Laudato Si’ nos. 28, 29).

The cost of each well is projected to be $5,871.30, a very small price to pay to save, literally, the lives of thousands of children and their families. Our goal as a Salesian Family is to sponsor at least three wells, possibly even four, in honor of Fr. Angel’s visit. The preparatory committee for the Rector Major’s visit invites all members of the Salesian Family—SDB and FMA communities, Cooperators, Volunteers, our ministries, our youths and young adults, and all friends of Don Bosco—to contribute to this gift to our Don Bosco of today, by caring for those closest to his heart: young people and their families who are in dire need.

To make a donation to the Rector Major’s gift fund:

August 2, 2018 - 2:07pm

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