Fundamental Criteria in Drawing Up or Revising the SEPP, Pt. II

SYM Corner 06.14.23

By Fr. Lou Molinelli, SDB, Province Delegate of Youth Ministry

Last week, I reflected with you on the first quality needed in the formation of the Salesian Educative and Pastoral Plan (SEPP). It truly calls us to a divine encounter with the Lord as a Salesian Family. This week, I want to continue with the other two qualities mentioned in the Frame of Reference for the criteria for developing the SEPP.

The second quality is collegiality. Every true educative project is a communal effort in our Salesian Family and the EPC. We have to be able to have frank and open discussions in looking realistically at our reality—that includes both blessings and challenges. The contribution of all in the EPC is to be taken into consideration. I know this becomes a challenge itself since maintaining a broad consultative strategy takes time and is not something completed in a few months. There needs to be a team in place that leads us through this SEPP process. It is necessary to listen to all in the EPC and initiate a dialogue. This includes members of the Salesian Family, lay collaborators, and the young themselves. The body that oversees this process is usually the province office of youth ministry, and it invites others who have specific skills and expertise in this work of discernment. In order to facilitate a total acceptance of the SEPP, all have to be given the possibility of participating in the discussions and planning.

The third quality is communication. The planning procedures and information concerning the development of the SEPP must be shared with all involved in the process. This is a family plan, and nothing should be kept from the members of the family concerning this plan. We must be clear with the members of the EPC of the various levels of involvement and participation in the plan, along with those who have the role of implementation, evaluation, and decision-making. It is only through this that the SDBs, Salesian Family, and all the laity can form communion in sharing the spirit of Don Bosco’s mission.

Although this can seem a bit complex in its organization, we cannot forget the educative and pastoral spirit which underpins it, namely, the education of the young for life and for an encounter with the Lord.

I ask all of our local EPCs to review these past two articles and revise your Salesian Educative Pastoral Plan using these qualities outlined in the Frame of Reference. The young deserve this from us!

June 14, 2023 - 8:30am
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