commissions the altar servers.
Photo by Mrs. Rosina Di Felice, Salesian Cooperator
By Mr. Elijiah Pace, Altar Servers Coordinator, Salesian Youth Ministry Core Team Member
(Etobicoke, ON – November 29) – On Sunday, November 26, St. Benedict Parish commissioned and re-commissioned 18 altar servers to the altar server’s ministry. Fittingly, this commissioning ceremony took place on the solemnity of Christ the King. The solemnity reminds us as Catholics of the duty we have to serve Christ, the one true King. Hence the fitting date to have commissioned altar servers who commit themselves to serve at the foot of the altar. Through the example of St. Dominic Savio and St. Tarcisius, who too served as altar servers, the youth of St. Benedict strive to pattern their lives and follow the heavenly path of both young saints.
Prior to the commissioning ceremony, the altar servers went through multiple training sessions, which included the theology of the Mass and uncovering the “mystery” of the Holy Eucharist. A common quote shared to the youth during their training was, “There is no better way to serve the Lord than at Mass, in the true presence, the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ.”