By Bro. Bob Metell, SDB
(East Boston, MA – March 19) – We honor Sts. Patrick and Joseph in March, a few days apart, and we honor Mary next week. Later, I will speak a little more about the two saints we honor this week.
I want to discuss our teen program at the Salesian Boys and Girls Club this week. Over the past few months, I have talked about many activities and events but have not said much about the teens themselves. Before the Covid-19 pandemic, we had a thriving teen center program. After the pandemic, many of the teens graduated from high school or moved on. Since then, we have been gradually building up the teen program. Last year, the club director hired Julie as the teen director. She and her two sisters grew up in the Club, and all three of them are staff members. Our teen attendance and membership have been growing steadily. The teen program operates Monday to Friday, from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. Julie also offers programs and activities for middle school club members from 2:00 to 7:00 p.m.
On Monday, March 17, we honored St. Patrick, the patron of Ireland. Originally from Roman Britain, he was captured by pirates as a youth and taken to Ireland. He managed to escape and went back home. As an adult, he became a priest and returned to Ireland to convert the Irish to Christianity. He used the shamrock to teach the people about the three Persons of the Holy Trinity.
On Wednesday, March 19, we honor St. Joseph, the husband of Mary. Don Bosco chose St. Joseph as the patron and model for the Salesian brothers. My grandparents taught me to have a strong devotion to St. Joseph. When I entered the novitiate, I placed my vocation in the hands of St. Joseph, and he has been my inspiration and guide as a Salesian brother.