East Boston: Embracing the Spirit of St. Francis

East Boston: St. Francis and Mac and Cheese Meals

By Bro. Bob Metell, SDB

(East Boston, MA – October 16) – We begin the month with the feast of St. Francis of Assisi on Friday, October 4. When I was assigned to Coast Guard Base Boston, I joined a small group of young adults at the Franciscan Center on Arch Street in Boston. Over the five months in Boston, I met the friars, one of whom was the base Catholic chaplain's assistant. He introduced me to an elderly brother named Sebastian, who collected the candle money and did odds jobs around the Shrine. He was best known as the “Friar of the Streets.” After sunset, he would go around the city, taking food to the homeless, especially homeless veterans and teens. As I was attracted to the friar’s vocation, especially the Brotherhood, Bro. Sebastian introduced me to the Salesians and advised me I was better suited to them since I connected to the youth so well.

My connection and awareness of the needs of the poor was through St. Francis. This week, I want to speak about the first part of the St. Francis celebration. On Friday, October 4, our Club Executive Director Mike, Operations Manager Jimmy, and Chef Bob [myself] spent most of the day whipping up a macaroni and cheese meal for the Club members. Every day when the youngsters come to the club, we provide them a snack and supper option before they go home. We are currently on a government afterschool meal program through the Boston YMCA and the city of Boston. The food is not exactly the greatest, but at least the youngsters get something to eat before they go home. Many of our members have recently arrived as immigrant families. Often, they go home to empty food cabinets. In the spirit of St. Francis and Don Bosco, we attempt to feed the hungry youth that Mary and St. Joseph sent to us.

That wraps it up for another week. Just think, we are at the halfway point of October!

October 16, 2024 - 8:45am

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