Don Bosco Novena 2019

Note: Each day, the novena includes a reflection from Fr. Angel’s commentary on the 2019 strenna and a prayer.

Day 1 (January 22):  Living everyday life as the place to meet God

The heart of the Salesian spirit can be identified by the fact that it thinks of life in a positive way and sees it day by day as the place where we meet God.  Relationships, work, joy, relaxation, family life, the development of one’s personal capabilities, giving, service, etc., are all lived in the light of God. This is expressed in simple, practical terms in that very Salesian conviction that comes from Don Bosco himself: to be a saint you have to do well what you have to do.

It is the proposal of the holiness of everyday life.  Don Bosco found holiness with the simplicity of joy, with the exact fulfilment of one’s duties, and with a life lived all for the love of God.  In this way, he created with his boys at Valdocco a real school of holiness.


Prayer to St. John Bosco (adapted from the prayer used for the bicentenary of his birth)

Saint John Bosco,
help us to understand as you did that only in Jesus and in his Gospel can we find true meaning and happiness in our lives;
help us to respond generously to God’s invitation to holiness, so that like you, we may help build here on earth a true civilization of love;
help us to be like you, signs and bearers of God’s special love for the young and the needy.
Pray for us the grace of holiness, so that guided by Mary Help of Christians, and living the spirit of the Beatitudes in our daily life, we may all meet to enjoy together eternal happiness with God.

January 22, 2019 - 4:33pm

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