By Fr. Provincial Tim Zak, SDB
(New Rochelle, NY — April 18) —Fr. Wagner Ferreira Da Silva is the president of Cancao Nova, an official Group of the Salesian Family. He visited the NY/NJ area from Monday, April 10, through Sunday, April 16. He was elected president of Cancao Nova in December at a General Assembly. He is the successor of the Founder of Cancao Nova, Msgr. Jonas Abib, who died on December 12, 2022. During his visit to NY/NJ, Fr. Wagner met with members of Cancao Nova working in Mount Vernon, NY. He also celebrated Mass on Thursday, April 13, at Corpus Christi Church in Port Chester. Inspired by Don Bosco, the members of Cancao Nova share in the Salesian mission with an emphasis on prayer, community, and evangelization.
April 18, 2023 - 10:00am