Why I Protect God's Precious Gift of Life

Eileen Peterson Pro-Life Story

By Eileen Peterson, Parishioner, St. John the Baptist Church, Piermont, NY

Harold and I have been married for 37 years, and God has entrusted us with seven children: Marie Therese, Margaret Anne, Monica Anne, Michael Vincent, Mark Andrew, Matthew John, and Maximilian Joseph. We are also blessed to have three sons-in-law, one daughter-in-law, and five grandchildren. Every breath I take is because of our first child in my womb. Marie Therese is named after the Blessed Mother and St. Therese of the Little Flower. My husband married me at 80 pounds as I was fought the hell on earth eating disorder of bulimia for 18 years. Miraculously, I conceived Marie and sought therapy to overcome this obsessive-compulsive nightmare. I could not get better for my family, my friends, or my husband, but, when it came to the life of a child in my womb, I found a strength that I know came from God. In return for being given a second chance and knowing the miracle of life, I am passionately pro-life. As a result of my passion, I organize the 40 Days for Life, the Rockland County Life Chain, and 24-hour prayer vigils outside Planned Parenthood.

January 18, 2021 - 12:02pm

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