Preparing for Bl. Artemides Zatti's Canonization

Zatti Updates for Website and Salesian News

(New Rochelle, NY – October 5) –To prepare for and to celebrate the upcoming canonization of Br. Zatti, please consider praying this triduum.

Additionally, the following Salesian Family members in our province will journey to Rome for the canonization of Bl. Artemides Zatti:

Fr. Mike Conway, SDB
Fr. Dominic Tran, SDB
Br. Bill Hanna, SDB
Br. Bernie Dube, SDB
Fr. Richard Crager, SDB
Fr. Raul Acosta, SDB
Br. Sal Sammarco, SDB
Br. Reegan Ledet, SDB (SUO)
Br. Tom Sweeney, SDB
Br. John Castonguay, SDB
Fr. Dieunel Victor, SDB
Fr. Sagayaraj Devadoss, SDB
Fr. John Louis Mariapragasam, SDB
Chioma Okoye
Vicky Weekley
Pierre LaRoque
Fr. Mel Trinidad, SDB (SUO)

October 5, 2022 - 8:00am

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