By Fr. Tim Zak, Provincial
Two weeks ago, Pope Francis encouraged Catholics across the globe to dedicate the Marian Month of May to pray for an end to the pandemic. After more than a year, and with the world still in the grips of Covid-19, the Pope and our Salesian Family are once again imploring God for an end to the suffering which so many people are forced to bear.
With this in mind, I am happy to invite you to pray the Rosary every day this month with other members of the Salesian Family. Many sons and daughters of Don Bosco will pray the Rosary in person with their local group or parish. They may even take the lead in organizing this devotion. Thanks be to God for their commitment and faithful service.
Through modern technology, we will also be able to pray with those who cannot be present in person. Some of the groups of ADMA in our province have agreed to lead a virtual Rosary. The easiest way to join is through www.donboscosalesianportal.org or www.dmact.net.