Lenten Reflection: Planting Seeds in the Heart

Lenten Reflection 1

Courtesy of Fr. Jim Berning, SDB

Fr. Jim Berning, SDB, has prepared Lenten reflections for the next few weeks. They are taken from and rooted in the papal encyclical Dilexit Nos.

Planting seeds in the heart with questions on the meaning of my existence

#8 “Instead of running after superficial satisfactions and playing a role for the benefit of others, we would do better to think about the really important questions in life. Who am I, really? What am I looking for? What direction do I want to give to my life, my decisions and my actions? Why and for what purpose am I in this world? How do I want to look back on my life once it ends? What meaning do I want to give to all my experiences? Who do I want to be for others? Who am I for God? All these questions lead us back to the heart.” (Dilexit Nos, 2-3)

Reflection-Question: So often out of concern for ourselves we ask, “Who is God for me?” But if we possess a Lenten heart, we would consider all that Christ has done and is doing to save us, and, therefore, we should ask, Who am I for God?"

March 12, 2025 - 8:45am

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