Adoration of the Child, Gerard van Honthorst

I want people to know that you, the young men and women, are not afraid to believe in the good news of God’s mercy, because it has a name and a face: Jesus Christ. As messengers of this good news, you are ready to bring a word of hope to the Church, to your own country, and to the wider world. You are ready to bring good news for your suffering brothers and sisters who need your prayers and your solidarity, but also your enthusiasm for human rights, for justice and for the growth of that “love and peace” which Jesus brings.
(Homily of Pope Francis; Mass with young people, St Mary’s Cathedral, Yangon, Myanmar, Thursday, 30 November 2017)

Loving God, we praise you for having revealed
the mystery of our salvation in Christ
as a light for the nations,
and, when he appeared in our mortal nature,
you made us new by the glory of his immortal nature.
May his love and peace continue to reign in our hearts.
And may we be the instruments of his love and peace in the world.
(Based on the Preface of Epiphany)

December 24, 2017 - 4:48pm

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