Edmonton: Youth Meet and Greet Fr. Tim Zak

Fr. Tim and St. Dominic Savio Parish, Edmonton, AB
Fr. Tim with Kids in Edmonton
Fr. Provincial Tim Zak, SDB, and children
at St. Dominic Savio Parish
Photo by Lucky Eremionkhale

By Michael Okwegba

(Edmonton, AB — April 1) — It was a colorful evening for children at St. Dominic Savio Parish when Fr. Provincial Tim Zak, SDB, visited them on Thursday, March 24. Just before his meeting with parish pastoral council (PPC), Fr. Tim was delighted to be met and greeted by the gleeful parish youth. They sang a welcome song for him and a song of blessings, too.

The children struck a friendly chord with Fr. Provincial in no time. Kindled by their joyful mood, Fr. Tim, spontaneously and curiously, asked them, "Are you all happy here?" and "Tell me what do you learn here?" Their smiling and happy faces said it all. However, some kids wanted to be very specific and vocal. Solyana, for instance, said, "We learn why we need to listen to our parents and how to be good." Another young person added, "Otherwise we will end up like the prodigal son." Diyana would later exclaim, "One cannot buy happiness." Others responded in their own ways that they are taught to pray, respect people, honor their parents, and help elders.

Fr. Tim asked a couple of more questions, this time about St. Dominic Savio. Short answers sporadically started pouring in like "Dominic—a boy saint," "He was good and honest," "Savio asked his peers to always tell the truth,” etc. Fr. Tim, impressed by their answers, congratulated them, and asked them to be like Dominic Savio and become little saints. He appreciated and encouraged the parish youth leaders (Jessica Busch, Ashley Ferreira, and others), who volunteer to help the parish children every week. A little later, while meeting with PPC, Fr. Tim commented on how pleased he was to hear the sweet and pleasing noise of children, which should not be absent in any Salesian reality. The children enjoyed the evening and were happy to have met and interacted with Fr. Provincial. It was a colorful evening, especially for our parish youth.

April 5, 2022 - 12:00pm

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