The Dream: Solemnity of Mary Help of Christians 2024

Message of the Provincial 05.23.24

By Provincial Fr. Dominic Tran, SDB

It was during the days of celebrations of the dedication of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Rome. Here at this altar of Mary Help of Christians, Don Bosco celebrated Mass on May 16, 1887. He had to stop at least 15 times, “overcome with powerful emotions,” which caused him to break down. Later, he explained the reason, “There appeared before my eyes the scene when I dreamt about the Congregation” (Biographical Memoirs, XVIII, p. 288-9).

It was the dream that began it all. The dream that guided Don Bosco’s mission to young people. Through Mary’s intercession, the Good Shepherd gave that poor boy from a hamlet a mission to educate and evangelize young people worldwide.

The mission began in Turin. Then, 150 years ago next year, the mission reached Argentina, then the U.S. in 1897, and Canada in 1924 (100 years ago this year). It is this dream that continues to inspire Don Bosco’s followers today.

It was in that dream that Mary told him, “In due time you will understand everything.”

We do not understand it yet, let alone understand everything. But we know and believe that Mary, our Mother and Help, is with us. It is Mary who helps us realize God’s dream for each of us. It is Mary who helps us realize some parts of God’s dream for young people.

May 23, 2024 - 8:30am

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