By Amy Marinaro
(Granby, QC – November 14) – The province’s annual CYM meetings occurred from October 28 through 30 at the Maison de Spiritualité des Trinitaires (Trinitarian Spirituality Centre) in Granby, QC. Twenty coordinators of youth ministry, youth ministry team members, and vocation staff from across the province joined the four members of the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry to discuss accompaniment and vocational discernment in the light of the Synod on Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment, the apostolic exhortation Christus Vivit, and the Salesian tradition.
During the meetings, there was time for retreat, formation, and province business. Each day included prayer moments and daily Mass. The retreat day was spent at St. Joseph’s Oratory in Montreal with Fr. Luc Lantagne as the guide, Fr. Richard Authier as the celebrant for Mass, and Fr. Rufo “Junji” Zarate as the celebrant for adoration. The formation day included presentations by Fr. James Berning and Fr. Dominic Tran on the experience of being accompanied and on discernment. The formation day also included presentations by Fr. Abraham Feliciano on the experience of accompanying the young in their discernment. There was time for personal reflection, small group sharing, large group sharing, and reflective activities.
On the final day, there was time to experience our Salesian heritage by visiting Le Salésien in Sherbrooke, QC, under the guidance of Fr. Alain Leonard. At the school, there was time to tour the grounds and listen to the testimonies of three Le Salésien alumni. The meetings then ended with a dinner at Aux Berges Dominique Savio in Ste. Catherine de Hatley, Que., as the sun set on a fruitful three days of prayer, reflection, formation, and family.