
Province News

Province Celebrates 2024’s Jubilarians

October 16, 2024

The SUE Province celebrated 20 priest and brother jubilarians. Read more

East Boston: Embracing the Spirit of St. Francis

October 16, 2024

Bro. Bob's connection and awareness of the needs of the poor was through St. Francis. Read more

Tampa: Hopeful Through the Storm

October 16, 2024

The main building served as a shelter during the brunt of the storm. Read more

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Listen to His Voice: An SLM’s Experience

September 11, 2024

Throughout his year of service, Jerry participated in all of the MHC Center's seven ministries. Read more

The Salesians Will Always Be My Home

August 28, 2024

Here’s what Danii shared with us. Read more

Presentation of the Strenna for 2025

July 31, 2024

Anchored in hope, pilgrims with young people Read more

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