Tampa: The Power of Invitation

Tampa Summer Camp

By Lili DeGrasse

(Tampa, FL – September 10) – On Wednesday, August 7, Pack The Chapel took place at Mary Help of Christians Center in Tampa. But what is Pack The Chapel?

First, a little history. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament has been taking place every Wednesday in the church at Mary Help of Christians Center in Tampa, since November 2012. From 9:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. there is silent adoration. From 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., there is praise and worship. (Praise and worship adoration includes live contemporary Christian music, prayer, and praise, and the opportunity for confession.)

Now flash forward to August 7, when we held the first Pack The Chapel praise and worship at Mary Help. It was praise and worship adoration like every Wednesday, with all the same elements of music, prayer, praise, and confession, but for one difference – we reached out and invited people to come.

And what a difference that made! We had over 100 adorers in church together praying and praising God, with the Holy Spirit moving among them. In fact, the movement of the Spirit crescendoed at the end of Benediction when the proverbial rafters shook as everyone present sang “Holy God We Praise Thy Name.” It was a blessed night.

There is power in the act of inviting. Fellowship begins with an invitation. Mary Help of Christians’ faithful invite everyone who might visit Tampa to join them for Pack The Chapel on the first Wednesday of every month or for weekly adoration every Wednesday.

One of the young adult worshipers sent us a video recorded during adoration.

September 17, 2019 - 2:17pm

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