The Salesian Way of Being Present Among the Young

SYM Corner 11.10.21

By Fr. Louis Molinelli, SDB, Province Delegate for Youth Ministry

From the early days of the Oratory, St. John Bosco always invited others to collaborate with him in his ministry of assisting young people. He asked and involved other priests, his own mother, lay people, government officials, and any other person who expressed an interest in working for the salvation of the souls of the young. Just like the first Apostles, who heard Jesus’ proclamation of the Kingdom of God came and saw where He stayed (Mark 1:16-20), so, too, Don Bosco formed a family around him. The central focus of this family were the young people themselves who were key players and collaborators with the adults who ministered among them. When Don Bosco formed the Salesian Society, he saw them as the center of communion and animation of this vast family. As you can see, our Salesian way of being present among the young is centered around the building of community which is built around personal relationships.

Each one of our places is meant to be a home that is welcoming toward young people, a home in which they are happy. For many of our young people, home is not necessarily a happy and joyful place. There can be so many pressures and tensions that affect the young. That’s why our Salesian ministries have a responsibility to be places where healthy and loving relationships thrive, so that they can nourish and sustain the young to deal with their everyday reality. This will lead to a positive experience of Church, which leads to the goal of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

I invite you to think about the ministry in which you serve. How are you collaborating with the community to make this ministry a true welcoming home for the young who come? How is the EPC growing together as a family united in one heart and one soul? May each of you and your ministries grow in this family spirit.

November 9, 2021 - 3:00pm

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