Reflections on Strenna 2023, Pt. I

SYM Corner 01.04.23

By Fr. Lou Molinelli, SDB, Province Delegate of Youth Ministry

Happy New Year to everyone! The tradition of giving a yearly practice to the Salesian Family dates back to the time of St. John Bosco, who wished to unite all of us in the Salesian Family around a common goal and vision for the year. Actually, the word "strenna" means "gift." All of our Rector Majors have continued this tradition. You may remember that the Strenna for 2022 was "Do all from love, nothing from constraint." This came from St. Francis de Sales, whose 400th anniversary of death we just commemorated on December 28, 2022.

As we continue our journey of accompaniment with our young people, we have been given a precious gift in this year’s strenna by the Rector Major, Fr. Ángel Fernández Artime, SDB: "As Yeast in Today’s Human Family: the Lay Dimension of the Salesian Family of Don Bosco." I would like to spend these upcoming weeks reflecting on the meaning of the strenna so that, together, we may grow as the family of Don Bosco.

One thing that is very clear from the beginning is the breadth of the Salesian Family envisioned by Fr. Ángel in this strenna. He addresses himself to two groups. The first group is teenagers and other young people in Don Bosco’s family. They are not only beneficiaries of the Salesian charism but are also called to help transform their world by being like yeast in a batch of dough. Because they have received, they are challenged to give. In this group, Fr. Ángel includes those who are educators accompanying all young people along this path to discovery.

The second group is all the members of the various groups of the Salesian Family so that all may discover or rediscover the lay dimension of their vocation and the complementarity that exists among us all in the Family.

For me, this wide audience reminds me that we are all called to holiness and, as family, we rely on each other to be faithful to the journey to Christ and to support each other by good example and strong faith. This especially includes our young people with whom we walk side by side along the way that leads to love. How many of us are uplifted by the examples of our children and young people who, in so many ways, witness to a life of holiness and joy!

How can we bring all this energy in our Salesian Family together to grow as evangelizing witnesses and missionary disciples? We will continue to explore this in the upcoming weeks. Get ready to embark on a journey that will transform your life!

January 4, 2023 - 8:00am

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